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  2. Ingrid verbauwhede

Ingrid Verbauwhede

Professor, co-founder Belfort

Dr. Ir. Ingrid Verbauwhede is a professor in the research group COSIC at KU Leuven. Semiconductor security is her area of expertise. This means making sure that your private data, e.g. your health data, financial data, your interests, private conversations, and more, remains secure while it is stored in personal devices, travels the internet, or is stored somewhere in the cloud. 
She is also co-founder of the Belfort company, which focuses on hardware acceleration of “computing on encrypted data.”

She has extensive international experience. She received her PhD degree from KU Leuven and imec. She worked in Silicon Valley first at UC Berkeley, later at small and larger semiconductor companies in the Bay Area. She was a professor at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) before returning to the KU Leuven as a professor. Her research is generously funded by two EU ERC Advanced Grants, the most prestigious European funding for individual researchers. 
Her research group owns and operates an advanced electronic security evaluation lab at the KU Leuven. She received many international recognitions and awards. She is a fellow of IEEE and of IACR. She is a member of the Royal Academy of Belgium. She received the 2023 IEEE Don Pederson award for “pioneering contributions to energy-efficient and high-performance secure integrated circuits and systems.”

She is currently on sabbatical at Stanford University and Google in the Bay Area.