1. Speakers
  2. Simon vandeghinste

Simon Vandeghinste

Director Optimization DP World

Simon is leading the optimization department within DP World Antwerp, where their team focuses on optimizing flow in their operations, through process improvement, data-driven decision making and integration of technology. They foster a strong culture of innovation and collaboration.
Simon has worked in various fields: terminal operations, chemical distribution, warehousing – but handling cargo as efficiently as possible has been a constant factor. Throughout his career he has been driven by the same questions: how can we improve it, simplify or automate... 

Having worked in different roles – Simon actually started his career in Finance – makes him more of a generalist than a specialist, which makes him strive in collaborative environments. In his experience, the success of innovations will always depend on the ability to efficiently group expertise, customer voice and fresh look on things, around a certain focus or problem. Whether it be in a start-up or multinational. 
Simon also spent a few years living in Finland, where he mastered the art of very very small talk. However, even with fewer words, communication and adaptability are key to success—no matter where you are or what you’re optimizing.