1. Speakers
  2. Steven de laet

Steven De Laet


Mr. Steven De Laet is a Co-Founder and serves as Chief Executive Officer at InOpSys, where he previously served as Board Member. Before he worked at several chemical companies, such as Bayer Antwerp as a process engineer and at BASF Antwerp (process engineer and production manager of amine production). He was also active in plastics and coating industry, Mondi Belcoat, he worked in FMCG, ABInbev and did Business Development for new chemical developments. As an independent management consultant he supported companies in: operations management, strategy development and implementation, side stream valorisation projects. In 2011 he was active as freelance Business Development manager at VITO and supported FISCH vzw (Catalisti) as one of the first program managers. He continued his activities as an interim manager. In January 2015 he became the CEO of ECOPACK NV. In December 2015 he founded InOpSys NV and was appointed CEO. He obtained his Master in industrial sciences (chemical process engineering) at the De Nayer Instituut (KUL) and a Master of science in engineering (chemical engineering) at KU Leuven (CIT). He also obtained an Executive International MBA degree from the Vlerick Management School (2008-2010).