1. Speakers
  2. Viggo van tendeloo

Viggo Van Tendeloo

Director Early Innovation Belgium Johnson & Johnson

• Biopharmaceutical leader/Cell & Gene Therapy aficionado with 25+ years basic, translational and clinical R&D experience in academia and large pharma industry
• Full Professor, Cellular Immunotherapy of Cancer, University of Antwerp (2007-2023) with >150 publications/books/patents (h-index 54)
• Co-Founder (2005), Scientific Director (2005-2012) & expert scientist (2012-2019) of the Center for Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine (CCRG), Antwerp University Hospital, Belgium with proven ability to bring ATMP’s from inception to early development (phase I/II clinical trials) 
• Proven ability to lead innovative R&D teams in academia and industry, and to manage multi-disciplinary partnerships with academia, biotech, hospitals and industry partners