1. Timetable
  2. 10 years of start up driven innovation how vrt sandbox combines startups with own ip to redefine todays media landscape

10 years of start-up driven innovation: How VRT Sandbox combines startups with own IP to redefine today’s media landscape.

Friday 28 March 13:00 - 13:30 Breaking Tech

Traditional broadcasters find themselves in a tough spot, caught between individual AI-driven content creators on one side and tech giants like YouTube, Netflix, and Amazon building entertainment empires on the other side. With declining trust in news, fragmented media consumption, and shrinking ad revenues, public broadcasters must innovate as lean and efficient as possible to stay relevant. For 10 years, VRT Sandbox—the Flemish Public Broadcaster’s in-house accelerator—has been helping startups drive media innovation. In this session, VRT Sandbox and two portfolio startups will share firsthand insights on how collaboration between corporations and startups creates powerful opportunities for success.